Saturday 2 April 2011

cillian murphy

Okay sewajarnya i memang patut tegur sikap diri sendiri yg gatal 24/7. Tapi mcm ni kire straight la kan? Xd maknenye jadi lesbian lol lol lol

So this Cillian Murphy. An irish guy. Wow. He’s got real blue eyes. And he’s really handsome.handsome. serious. OMG. I think almost all irish artist that i’ve known are extremely comel. Muahaha i think i’ve seen him a few times somewhere in other movies tapi i can’t remember hehe.

so, ada rasa mcm nak komen?? xd kan? he's flawless hehehehe

now it's almost midnight. n tiba2 keluar video clip sixth sense yg theme song cerita 'asmara'. for me, lagu sixth sense mcm something. very nicely composed and lyrics also truely from heart. =)
